The next level in your meditation?
Thank you for participating in Daaji’s masterclasses. As a next step, we offer the tools with which you can deepen your meditative experience – personally, peacefully, profoundly. As always, Heartfulness is free.

Quest for Joy and Wellbeing
Be inspired to sustain the habit of Meditation and find joy, excellence and well-being.
Improve your meditation through useful insights.
Understand how meditation improves focus, reduces stress, and improves sleep.

Connect with a local trainer
We offer over 6,000 global HeartSpots, where you can take a deeper dive into meditation with entirely free periodic assistance from a certified Heartfulness trainer.
Give the gift
of Heartfulness
Share your joy with family, friends and co-workers.
Our global guide is
now your personal guide
All of Daaji’s meditation masterclasses are available to you. Free. Forever.

Frequently asked questions
What are these masterclasses about?
How long are the masterclasses?
Where can I find the instructions for the different practices?
Is there any specific time the Heartfulness techniques should be practiced, and for how long?
Heartfulness Technique | Recommended time to practice | Duration |
Relaxation | Anytime you like | A few minutes as you need |
Meditation | Morning, and then any other time during the day | 30 minutes up to 1 hour. You can start with less and develop the length as it grows on you. Repeat any number of times during the day, with a maximum of 1 hour per session. |
Cleaning | Evening, after you have finished your day’s work | 30 minutes. You can start with less and extend it to 30 minutes. |
Connect with your inner Self | At bedtime, just before sleeping | 10 to 15 minutes. |
Is there any specific posture?
What is the source of light in the heart upon which we meditate?
What do I do if my mind is racing with thoughts?
Does Heartfulness require strenuous effort, difficult techniques, a special diet, etc.?
Are there any fees or charges for practicing Heartfulness?
What if I do other practices?
Is Heartfulness affiliated with any religion or political movement?
Is there any age limit to practice Heartfulness?
Is there anything for children less than 15 years of age?
Is there any literature available?
For further information
please contact one of our trainers at heartspots.heartfulness.org
or email us at info@heartfulness.org
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