Mastering Being
Begin anytime with Heartfulness.
Learn to manage your life and your emotions
the Heartfulness way.
An online series of 3 free meditation masterclasses with Daaji.
Let your day begin
with Oneness

In the masterclasses, Daaji shares his wisdom, knowledge, and experience as a lifelong student of meditation and spirituality. His approach is scientific and practical. There are 3 masterclasses, each one focusing on an essential element of Heartfulness practice.
No prior meditation experience is needed to join in and feel the benefits for yourself.
This session introduces two basic elements of Heartfulness. Relaxation and Meditation

Relax. Meditate
Expand consciousness
In this first masterclass, learn Heartfulness Relaxation for physical-mental coherence and calm, followed by Heartfulness Meditation on the source of light in your heart to take you deeper within.
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The Cleaning practice. Rejuvenate and detox technique to let go of stress and complexities.

In this second masterclass, Daaji will guide you through a simple rejuvenative method to detox your mind. It is useful at the end of the day to let go of stress and complex emotions and will leave you feeling light and refreshed.
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The Connect masterclass. To establish the heart connection and to listen to the guidance of the Heart.

With your inner self
In the third class, learn to connect with your inner self by listening to the heart’s voice. Observe your deepest feelings, make wise choices to weave your own destiny.
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The guide book
Discover a special collection of meditations and an exceedingly rare feature known as Transmission. Together, they awaken the depths of human potential and initiate a mystical inner journey. In this process, the heart becomes a perennial source of wisdom and guidance to help you navigate life’s twists and turns and lead a life more connected to yourself and others.
The book is available all over. For info visit: http://theheartfulnessway.com/
Meet Daaji

The teachings of Kamlesh D. Patel, known as Daaji, arise from his personal experience on the path of Heartfulness, while reflecting his deep spirit of inquiry and respect for the world’s great spiritual traditions and scientific advancements. While deeply immersed in his own meditation practice for more than three decades, Daaji also worked as a successful pharmacist and entrepreneur in New York City. In 2015, he became the fourth guide in the century-old lineage of Heartfulness spiritual guides. He is the co-author, most recently, of The Heartfulness Way: Heart-Based Meditations for Spiritual Transformation. And here you can read his writings on the evolution of consciousness. To learn more about Daaji, go to www.daaji.org.
If you have a question for Daaji, simply ask.
All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.