Vardhan Misra
My introduction to spirituality was a very ordinary event, as I started meditation on my uncle’s insistence at the age of 18. The seeds of spirituality were sown, but it took some time to germinate. I only realized the need for it when I was preparing for the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exams, as well as going through the turmoil of confused friendships during my college days. One day an evening meditation blossomed in my heart to fill my life with inner beauty, joy and wisdom. It was revealed to me that the source of all joy lies in our heart. I realized instantly that Heartfulness Meditation was going to be the one permanent thing in my life amidst all others that were yet to unfold.
I had mentioned ‘meditation’ as a hobby in my UPSC interview form, so quite obviously there were many questions about my practice of Heartfulness Meditation during the interview. I was natural, cheerful, confident, and at peace with myself while answering those questions, and I attribute those qualities to meditation, but I soon realized that much tougher questions had to be answered in the particularly challenging profession of being a police officer.
Thanks to my introduction to spirituality, I started feeling a purpose in life, in whatever path I was following; hence, working with the police came to me as a blessing, as a chosen or destined path for me to contribute to the society to the best of my personal capabilities. I put in the best that I could during my training at the National Police Academy. Meditation prepares us to be right there in any moment with full consciousness, without worrying for the future. I believe this is the reason I had the privilege of receiving the Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Trophy for the topper of the batch of 2006.
Despite my friends, parents and relatives wanting me to appear again in UPSC for the IAS administrative exams, I consulted my heart and decided to remain in the Indian Police Service, as meditation gave me the courage to delve deeper and follow my true calling instead of taking life decisions based on the perceptions and expectations of others. Listening to the heart amidst external and inner mental chaos, analyzing the pros and cons of a decision as per our own values, and arriving, announcing and carrying out one’s decision, even if it is against society’s norms or expectations, is a life-changing art that comes with Heartfulness Meditation. Courage is reflected in simple steps that may not appear easy to others, but with a simple heart and clear conscience we are able to tread the path happily and smoothly.
In Heartfulness Meditation we focus on the heart, with the thought that there is divine light in the heart. With the help of Transmission, we become absorbed in meditation. The practice of ‘cleaning’ clears impressions and frees the mind of unwanted influences, helping to achieve clearer consciousness. The third element of ‘prayer’ connects us to the divine help. In my profession, every day I deal with all sorts of negativity in the public and personal lives of citizens: law-abiders and law-breakers, victims and perpetrators of crime, families and societies that are affected by disorder and crime, and situations of grief and terror, chaos and confusion, fear and complexities, impressions of right and wrong, corruption and filth etc. We police officers need to remain strong, unaffected and unbiased, and yet humane, compassionate, righteous, balanced and fair. Selfless service, patient hearing and a professional approach are to be maintained. Integrity of the highest order is the expectation. Above all, we need divine help in moments of utter crisis. The Heartfulness Way is the answer to these challenging demands.
In one incident of mob fury, I was with a handful of policemen, surrounded by thousands of protesters shouting slogans against the police and the administration. At that moment, I realized the power of Heartfulness when I found myself full of courage, knowing in my heart that I was correct on the point of law and that there was no need to get perturbed seeing the protestors’ reaction. I remained confident, calm and respectful towards the aged and very senior leader of the political organization, and communicated to him that the police could not allow their illegitimate demand. It was said in such a clear, firm yet respectful voice, that I observed myself in that moment and thanked my spiritual Guide for showing me the power of this practice in such circumstances. It was a clear voice, a conviction from the depth of my heart that I heard, amidst all the passion and raging public emotions. This was due to my daily practice of meditation. That is not to say that the situation ended in my favor.
In many moments throughout my career so far, I have observed that meditation has given me a deep insight, a clear conscience, an attitude of selfless service, humility, control over moods and anger, a spiritual purpose in everything that is happening around, a state of acceptance, tranquility, the drive for perfection, stress management, cheerfulness of heart, discipline, and fewer desires for name or fame, postings or favors, or illegitimate money etc. It has brought balance and purpose in my life. I invite my friends and colleagues in service to experience the enormous benefits of Heartfulness Meditation and lead a happy and satisfactory life pursuing the Indian Police Service as a career.
From the forthcoming book by A. P. Durai entitled Sutras for Super Cops: The State of the Heart Policing