Karthik S
The word compassion takes me back to my childhood days and my grandparents who were the very embodiment of this expression. They had no money and lived a very simple life, but this never stopped them from helping anyone in need irrespective of caste, color or religion that were some of the dividing factors in their village. Their pure-heartedness meant that they never hesitated to lend support and everyone knew they could reach out to them for help anytime. And this support extended not just with money but also with consideration and kindness for others, something that is quite rare these days.
My grandmother was the epitome of kindheartedness and good sense. There’s many a marriage that she helped to save, and even now people remember her for her generous nature. There were many occasions when she gave up her gold wedding chain as a deposit against a loan, even though in the Hindu tradition a woman only renounces this symbol of marriage upon her husband’s death. She cared nothing for these rules, and instead bravely carried on with her endeavors without expecting anything in return. This was quite commendable in someone with no formal education.
Similarly, with my grandfather, a lack of education was no obstacle to his noble behavior. They were both without inhibitions, totally fair-minded and never judgmental of the actions of others. As people, they were so respected and admired that it made me wonder: My grandparents have neither wealth nor standing, so why is it that they are meditation
so loved? What have they done to deserve this status?
There’s only one explanation. COMPASSION revolution is totally eclipsed their way of being; it was part of their makeup and the launching point of all their interactions. In that sense, they were role models to behold.
In mythology, there have been many such role models, like the Buddha and Jesus Christ, whose compassionate deeds have done much to help mankind. In today’s world, however, their significance is vastly diluted, so much so that having wealth and power has much more appeal than performing any random act of kindness. Today’s thinking has turned more towards the self – “What’s in it for me?” – and there is less inclination to heed advice from our wise and experienced elders. In this pursuit of importance and prestige, it’s easy to disregard the voice of conscience.
We can go on endlessly on this subject, but the objective here is not to moralize. In reality, what can be done to balance the prevailing human condition that is precariously veering towards disharmony? To my mind, Heartfulness Meditation says BALANCE. It offers a means to stabilize the dualities of every aspect of life. Every now and again, we get caught up in the dilemma of right and wrong; we know the good guy inside us but we love to entertain the other persona with the tagline ‘bad is the new good’. The Heartfulness Guides have always advocated moderation. This then is the clarion call for the future well being of our existence on earth – COMPASSION towards everyone over everything else.