Heartfulness Meditation – The Elixir of Life

There has been an eternal quest for the Elixir of Life, Amrit, Fountain of Life, Philosopher’s Stone, across different cultures throughout history. Immortality is very tempting. Youth is the time when one is most energetic. The wish to have the youthful energy forever has been a driving force. The pursuit in the Eastern culture has been on enlightenment at the…… Read More.

Yoga – The Perception of Reality

Heartfulness meditation is based on the Raja yoga system, according to which, one’s spiritual practice takes him/her to three stages – liberation, realization and mergence with the infinite, says the modern saint and teacher of Heartfulness, Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur. Liberation from what? Realization of what? Mergence with what? I always wondered. And still wonder… We wonder until we…… Read More.

The Power of Belief and Positive Thinking

The word “belief” is defined in the dictionary as “confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptive to rigorous proof.”[i] But this word can be broken down into two separate terms: “be” and “lief.” “To be” simply means to exist or to live. The word “lief” originates from an Indo-European word “leubh,” which means love. The combined…… Read More.

Interview on Heartfulness, Lyon, France

[su_youtube url=”www.youtube.com/embed/sXBYC7lQWbE” width=”860″ height=”480″ class=”video”] Q: What is Heartful meditation? Kamlesh D Patel: Well, the term came on its own when we were discussing mindfulness and awareness. This is all about feelings. Our entire life is led by feelings and inspirations, and that is the role of the heart. And when we manage to listen to the feelings and capture…… Read More.

Rise Above It All – Like the Lotus Flower

All efforts in our everyday lives are directed towards fulfilling an incessant flow of demands. Meeting life’s expectations fuels our sense of accomplishment. But more often than not, our worldly experiences – however trifling or significant – tend to entangle us into a spiral of chaos and fatigue, all the while setting off feelings of entrapment. When caught in that…… Read More.

Understanding and Practicing Heartfulness

How is Heartfulness different from Mindfulness? Mindfulness is derived from Buddhism. It is an extremely positive and effective program. It is also humanistic in its core. It espouses inner strength, balance and compassion to create a harmonious and effective state of existence, individually and hence collectively. Mindfulness is related to harnessing and improving the power of the mind. It deals…… Read More.

Heartfulness – Dr. Rosalind Pearmain

(Mindfulness is “the intentional, accepting and non-judgmental focus of one’s attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment..” )( Wikipedia) Heartfulness is a way of cultivating connection outwardly with the world through my heart centre and inwardly with the ground of being within. I start by learning to drop my awareness softly from the active zone…… Read More.