NASA Celebrates Meditation #InternationalDayofYoga

The space shuttle is a global symbol of man’s potential for great exploration and thirst for knowledge of the unknown. What launches the shuttle? One could say it is the giant engine, the fiery gas emitting huge clouds of smoke that we see during every televised launch. Looking a little deeper though, the real thrust behind the space program is…… Read More.


The Power of Belief and Positive Thinking

The word “belief” is defined in the dictionary as “confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptive to rigorous proof.”[i] But this word can be broken down into two separate terms: “be” and “lief.” “To be” simply means to exist or to live. The word “lief” originates from an Indo-European word “leubh,” which means love. The combined…… Read More.


Matter Energy and Consciousness

Does the unified field theory – the theory of everything as it’s called – really explain everything? There is a struggle in the scientific community to neatly tie together all the theories of physics, for they believe there is an inherent structure and order to the universe and it operates inexorably. All exceptions of objects out of orbit, colliding with…… Read More.


Interview on Heartfulness, Lyon, France

[su_youtube url=”” width=”860″ height=”480″ class=”video”] Q: What is Heartful meditation? Kamlesh D Patel: Well, the term came on its own when we were discussing mindfulness and awareness. This is all about feelings. Our entire life is led by feelings and inspirations, and that is the role of the heart. And when we manage to listen to the feelings and capture…… Read More.
