Katharina Häni
I love simplicity. In my early childhood, I decided that I wanted to live a modest and simple life, eat healthily and be in tune with nature. My daily route to school took me past a slaughterhouse, and once I made the connection to the meat on my plate it no longer seemed right to ingest it. Since then, from the age of 7, I have been a vegetarian, which wasn’t so easy at that age in my culture.
I always loved being out in the open, hiding in bushes, smelling and discovering plants. Sometimes it needed some courage, as a teenager especially, to say no to attending noisy events with friends, and instead, to go against the flow and spend time in Nature, albeit alone.
Later on, I turned to religion to look for answers when facing important decisions, prayers helped me a lot. I developed the habit of getting up early for praying and reading which, for me, are the most inspiring ways to start a day. But there came a day when I felt that religion stopped me from going deeper. My hunger for spirituality was growing. I took up running and became a mountain marathon runner which gave a huge boost to my confidence and health, as well as giving me immense joy.
My biggest new quest was, how could I best serve as many people as possible with my life? I had already shared my best so far and I needed direction to go further. Once again, I felt a very strong craving to pray and ask for guidance, I always imagined having a Guide. I wanted somebody who could lift me into another dimension of understanding life, someone with experience who could help me to EVOLVE. Surely, there had to be such a person in this universe! No question about it, but where do I look? That quandary was the subject of my prayers for the next month, and it was answered in an amazing way by meeting a trainer for Heartfulness meditation on the street. I felt it was perfect for me to meditate on the heart. Moreover, I acquired the gift of a Guide and behind all these living entities, a huge library and a network of wisdom. How could that not convince a person like me? From the very beginning, I felt at home. It echoes all my experiences, it answers my deeper questions, it gives me another dimension of understanding, and with the Heartfulness Yoga Program, all the parts of my being seem to be unified into harmonious oneness.