We are all connected.

Join us on International Day of Yoga

FRIDAY, JUNE 21 2020


The Heartfulness Institute is very happy to join hands with the Ministry of AYUSH and Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga of AYUSH to inspire everyone to practice yoga.

Join #90DaysofHeartfulness

Simply register for this wonderful opportunity by giving your email address below. We shall send you timely reminders with insightful articles for reflection.



International Yoga Day 2019 Events In Your City

Finding connection through the heart

Join us to explore the true meaning and practice of yoga on 21 June 2019. There are numerous Heartfulness events taking place globally to celebrate the International Day of Yoga. With its roots in the ancient system of Raja Yoga. Heartfulness meditation offers a simple yet dynamic daily practice, which we invite you to experience. Let today be that day, and let’s all connect through Yoga and meditation.


Outside In

Outside In

“Meditation brings me in, Yoga brings me out.” At least, that is what I knew at age 10. Read More

The Phenomenon of Connection

The Phenomenon of Connection

In the present moment in time, it can feel as if we are spinning in the chaos of rapid change… Read More

Through Remembrance, Union

Through Remembrance, Union

If, five or ten years ago, you had the same knowledge you have today, do you think your life… Read More

An Invitation To Feel Whole

An Invitation To Feel Whole

How many of us crave for something more? As I grow older, I am increasingly confronted with an… Read More


NASA Celebrates Meditation

The space shuttle is a global symbol of man’s potential for great exploration and thirst for knowledge… Read More

Past Events

International Yoga Day 2017
International Yoga Day 2016

About Heartfulness Yoga

Heartfulness Yoga offers a series of simple Asanas, not only for the sake of exercise but to improve health and posture. At the same time, these Asanas help us to calm the mind and sit comfortably for meditation. Heartfulness Yoga allows us to experience the fundamental elements of Heartfulness through movement.

For those who want to dive deeper, who are interested in the philosophy of Yoga, and who look for full immersion, we offer the Heartfulness Yoga Teacher Training Course. This TTC is a transformative one-month program that takes us step-by-step through traditional Yoga, its philosophy, the modern schools of Yoga, all the eight limbs of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, and the transformative effect of Transmission in the Heartfulness Way. Heartfulness Yoga programs are open to all: people who already practice Heartfulness, new seekers, Yoga professionals, and complete beginners. It is a different way to learn and live Yoga. We also offer customized programs fusing Heartfulness Yoga with Relaxation and Meditation for Corporates, NGOs, Governments, etc.



