A Long-Distance Call of Love

A long-distance relationship reminds me of my meditation practice. In the beginning, my partner and I would communicate with each other during random hours. But on some days, we felt frustrated and distracted because of different schedules and the huge difference in time zones. What then worked was finding a suitable hour in our schedule where we could meaningfully connect.…… Read More.


Meditation – The Remover of Obstacles

If I had told my 10-year-old self that I would grow up someday to become a content and successful woman, I would have never believed myself then! When I was a child, I was diagnosed with a rare neurological disease called Friedreich’s Ataxia. It affected my walking, my speech, and my heart. It was mentally very, very exhausting. Heartfulness meditation…… Read More.


Discover how Meditation Helps with Weight Loss

Over time, the unwholesome and unnatural body images promoted generally and longed for by many has led to many problematic issues including low self-esteem and body shaming by others; and social media has compounded this crisis with many people suffering from mental issues owing to their body shape. Obesity affects the person not only from the outside but also harms…… Read More.


Meditations Of A Covid-19 Warrior #HumansOfHeartfulness

Browse through any news channel today, and you realize that society is obsessed with the topic of COVID-19. This continuous blaring of updates about the statistics of infected and death, feeds the anxiety of a society that has been exposed to a wide array of apocalyptic movies. Chennai is a city with very high number of COVID-19 positive people and…… Read More.
